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M-Tu-Th 10-4 | W- Clsd | F-Sa 11-5:30 | Su 11-4 / 3964 N. Mississippi Ave
M-Tu-Th 10-4 | W- Clsd | F-Sa 11-5:30 | Su 11-4 / 3964 N. Mississippi Ave
Retro vibes? You bet! This gender-neutral indigo shirt is made of heavy single cotton and looks totally vintage like it’s gotten a good wash already. That’s why you’ll find intentional splashes of washing on it & deconstruction on the hemlines.
The side seams are reversed for that inside out feel & it’s got NU01 printed on it to remind everyone who's number one. Oh, and peep the print on the sleeves. It’s three totally edgy droopy skulls. It 100% will be a fav you won't want to give up.
Nununu creates an alternative fashion line to typical children’s clothing. It goes against fashion’s narrow set of beliefs, and breaks free from over-stimulating kid clichés. By introducing children to the wonderful mystery of minimalism, nununu lets kids shine at every stage with a kickass cocktail of attitude and a big sense of humor.